
Showing posts from February, 2024

Claspy's Gripping Adventure -- Prologue and Chapter One

  Prologue      The city streets are crowded. Humans bustle against each other, long coats and thick pants worn to spite the harsh October winds. Above be-hatted heads swim pennants, flags, and posters, advertisements swinging and breaching the minds with assortments of propaganda. The skyscrapers streak up like malignant tumors, bridges built between them blotting out the sun more and more these days. Sitting on one of these green platforms is a city bird, a symbol of endurance against all conditions, a pigeon. Its emerald feathers sit clean against gray and white, the orange beak pecking at the soft greenery grown on top of these bridges. It chitters and coos, looking upon the cement empire it owns with its rat-bird kinfolk. Wings flap, and it throws itself off of the bridge, aiming itself downward towards the teeming mass of citizens below.             It glides, a singular ball of feathers, hollow bones, trash digesting in its gut, eyes reflecting the cement and glass of the ancien