
Showing posts from May, 2024

Claspy's Gripping Adventure, Chapter Two

 Chapter 2 - Sticking Your Nose In The manager of the Quick Pick N Stick looks a lot like almost every grocery store manager in existence. His rotund figure and pale white skin are covered by dirt cheap cotton of various primary colors along with well-worn khakis that hang over a fresh pair of Snicker-Doodle Retail Sneakers. A small metal nameplate is tucked into an upper pocket, reading “Greggory Smith.” Sausage fingers flick a small piece of plastic in their pocket over and over, and sweat stands out in rolling rivulets across the sea of forehead they possess. Much like every grocery store manager, they have their fingers in quite a few pies- and not just the ones they sell in the bakery. Their girth wanders across the front of the store, walking from register to register talking to each of the cashiers. “Don’t act weird, don’t act weird, just be normal…” Claspar, multicolored hair waving in the breeze of the industrial strength fans, and Jean-Pascal, shedding her winter coat to reve